These Petz are bred with overwriting breeds, so you don't need extra files! This means their offspring won't look like their parents, but I breed brexies from high gen, pretty petz of mine, so you can breed these guys and still get pretty babies. Adoption form's at the bottom of the page.
Rules for Brexies:
Read 'em or rabid chickens will steal your socks! :P
- No more than 2 petz per week per person for this page, no more than 8 per week for the entire site.
- Please keep my show prefix if showing. e.g: "Alena's/(your prefix)'s Dandy Dog."
- Stick to the usual petiquette... no code stealing, mmmkay?
- Put 'likes bunnies' after your name when you send the form.
- I don't put Petz on hold/no requesting in advance.
- Love them! :)
Blush x Random
Yeah I just threw a bunch of my hexie files in game and decided to see what happened :3
Gobble x Random
Oooh I love how all these guys turned out! And OMG Cullen is amazing. <3
Gradient x Patti
I had about four or five of my own hexed files in when I bred these guys! I then even hexed some of their eye colours :3 I ADORE the variety.
Scorpio x Coffee
Didn't breed many of these because they all seemed to turn out the same, but I think they're pretty nevertheless :)
Ukrainian Number Litter
Bred with several of my files from my archive, and I believe Cirrutopia's Bernese Mountain dog. Chotyry is my personal fav, but Pyat comes close!
Japanese Number Litter 1
Bred with several of my files from my archive, and I believe Cirrutopia's Bernese Mountain dog. Lucky dip genders. I love Shi!
You can apply using this form :)